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Importing and exporting team, member and user data in bulk

In order to expedite the creation of many teams, members, and/or users at one time, as well as quickly make multiple necessary changes, Company Feature Admins can be granted the ability to import and export team, member, and user data in bulk.

If this method is used to create or update team, member, and user data, proceed carefully as the Excel file you will be working in acts as the source of truth for data in AgilityHealth in many cases. It's easy to accidentally remove data you still need to be in the platform.

Important: This is a feature that needs to be enabled, after discussing how it works and its possible implications with your Customer Success Manager.

Once the feature is enabled, Company Feature Admins will see a blue Bulk Data Mgmt button available on the Teams Dashboard, next to View and State. This button allows the user to download a template to use to update team, member, and user data, import data, export data, and generate external identifiers. A copy is attached at the bottom of this article. 


Starting from Scratch or Adding Multiple Teams?

If you are starting from scratch in AgilityHealth setting up your teams, members, and users, downloading the template is a good place to begin.

This template can also be used if you already have teams, members, and users in AgilityHealth, but are adding a Business Line or Program with many teams, multiple members, and new users.

The template downloads as an Excel file and will consist of a tab for Teams, Members, and Users.

Need to Update Current Teams/Members/Stakeholders/Users?

If your company already has teams, members/stakeholders, and users in AgilityHealth but you need to make updates across many areas, you can get all your company's current data out of AgilityHealth by choosing Export from the drop-down.

Your company data will download as an Excel file, which allows you to quickly make updates to it and then put that information back into AgilityHealth, using the Import option from the drop-down.

How to Use the Template or Edit an Exported File

After you choose Download Template from the Bulk Data Mgmt. drop-down or you choose Export (for those companies who already have data in AgilityHealth), the template will download as an Excel file with three tabs for Teams, Members, and Users. Click "Enable Editing" in the Excel file to begin.

Items you need to know:

  • Do not delete any tab, leave them all intact. If you only have information for one of the tabs to update, simply do not fill in or alter the other tabs.
  • Do not delete rows 1-3 in any tab.
  • Pay close attention to rows 2 and 3 of each tab, which explains how any data in the cells of that row need to be formatted and list which columns are required. If a column is required but not filled in, you will receive an error when trying to import your data.  

Teams Tab

The Teams tab allows you to adjust existing team data, as well as add new teams to AgilityHealth in bulk. You can add teams, multi-teams, enterprise teams, and n-tier teams through this method. 

Before you start editing, if you exported your company's data, you should understand these basic rules:

  • Teams cannot be deleted via this option and must be deleted manually from the Teams Dashboard in AgilityHealth.
  • You can delete the entire row(s) of data for any team(s) you do not need to update. Only the teams with data that changed in the Teams Tab will be updated when you import the data back into AgilityHealth.
    • NOTE: If you need to update the Members Tab, be sure to leave the rows for the teams those members/stakeholders are on in the Teams Tab. The Members Tab uses data from the Teams Tab when being imported into AgilityHealth.
  • Do not delete columns of data, only delete rows of teams where no updates are necessary, and only delete teams you are not updating the members/stakeholders for on the Members Tab, as well as any information on the Teams Tab.
  • For much of the data on the Teams Tab, if you delete information that was exported from AgilityHealth, that information will be removed from the teams in AgilityHealth when you import the file.
    • The exception to this rule is any column that says in Row 3 'Not used for Import'.
  • Pay close attention to column B - this is the Team Unique Identifier column and in many cases, upon exporting your company's data, there may not be data in this column.
    • In order to import your data back into AgilityHealth, you must fill out column B for every team. You can either have these automatically generated (which you should do before editing any data) or manually create them yourself. Both options are explained in the Column B section below.

Column A:

  • This column consists of the team's ID in AgilityHealth in our database so it will populate if you export your company's data from AgilityHealth.
  • This is not a column you need to fill in when creating new teams or adjusting for existing teams.

Column B:

  • This column consists of the team's unique identifier in AgilityHealth in our database.
  • This column is required to be filled in when importing this file into AgilityHealth for all types of teams - existing or new. 
  • If you Export your data, this column may or may not populate when you export your company's data for the first time from AgilityHealth.
    • If it did not populate or only some of your teams have data here, before you start editing your data, choose Generate Ext. Identifiers from the Bulk Data Mgmt. button drop-down.
    • Clicking Generate Ext. Identifiers tell AgilityHealth to generate unique team identifiers for the teams that do not already have them in an instant.
    • After you click that option, you may see your screen flash or refresh - that's AgilityHealth generating those team identifiers. We will not override any unique team identifiers that already exist.
    • You can then select the Export option again, and your data be exported into a new Excel file, this time with column B on the Teams Tab all populated.
    • Now you are ready to begin editing!
  • If you are starting from scratch: 
    • You can create unique team identifiers yourself for each team as you add them to the template. They can be whatever you'd like, but need to be unique for each team. Some companies use the team's Jira identifier, some teams use things like Finance_1, Finance_2, etc. 
    • NOTE: Each team will also have a team name in column C so the unique identifier can be more systemic and the team name can be more personalized to the team.

Column C:

  • This column consists of the team's unique name.
  • This name is what shows up on the Teams Dashboard, in Assessment Emails to team members and stakeholders, in Radar Results, in Growth Items, in Reporting, etc., and should be familiar to the team.
  • This column is required to be filled in when importing this file into AgilityHealth for all teams - existing or new. 

Column D:

  • This column consists of the unique team identifiers in the AgilityHealth database of the Parent Team(s) the team belongs to, such as which multi-team, enterprise team, and/or n-tier team the team rolls up their data to when looking at a release train or product line, business unit, program, etc. A ParentID is just the team's unique identifier, but for a team that can have child teams, such as a multi-team, etc.
  • Data in this column is optional and not required to import data into AgilityHealth since not all teams roll up to other teams.
  • Data in this column is separated by a comma - AH_MultiTeam0124,AH_EnterpriseTeam2479, for example, shows a Multi-Team's and an Enterprise Team's ParentID separated by just a comma.
  • If you exported your company's data, use Column E to help identify which teams are being referenced by the ParentID in Column D - Column E shows team names, which will be more familiar and easier to decipher. 
  • If you are starting from scratch, be sure to first add all your teams in their own row to the Teams Tab and create the team's unique identifier and team name. This includes teams, multi-teams, enterprise teams, and n-tier teams.
  • If you add ParentIDs into this column for a team, they will be added to those multi-team(s), enterprise team(s), and/or n-tier team(s) in AgilityHealth. 
  • If you remove ParentIDs from this column for a team, they will be removed from those multi-team(s), enterprise team(s), and/or n-tier team(s) in AgilityHealth. 
  • Use Column E to help identify which teams are being referenced by the ParentID in Column D. Column E names are team names so these will be more familiar and easier to decipher than the team's unique identifier. 

Column E:

  • This column displays the names of the teams referenced in Column D but displays their team name, rather than their unique team identifier.
  • This column is not used when importing this file into AgilityHealth so if you add a ParentID in Column D, you do not need to add the team name for that addition to this column but can if you wish.

Columns F-J:

  • These columns are optional and not required when importing data into AgilityHealth. 
  • These fields contain information displayed on the Team's Profile in AgilityHealth for the team in Columns B/C. 
  • Some fields contain a date and the formatting for those fields is yyyy-mm-dd, such as 2021-3-12.

Column K:

  • This column consists of the Work Type that best represents the team in Columns B/C.
  • This column is required to import data into AgilityHealth.
  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to understand the implications of Work Type, as this data determines which type of team this is - team, multi-team, enterprise team, or n-tier team.
  • Work Type determines which Radars are available to the team and in some cases, which questions within an assessment the team is asked. 
  • There are Work Types that are only for teams, such as Software Delivery or Service and Support. There are Work Types specific to multi-teams, such as Multi-Team, Program Team, etc. The same applies to enterprise and n-tier teams, so be sure the Work Type you are entering matches the level of the team in your company's structure.
  • Be sure to type the Work Type in to match exactly what is already set up for your company in AgilityHealth. If you type something slightly different than what already exists, a new Work Type will be created, but the back-end correlation to Radars and Assessments will not be set. 

Column L:

  • This column consists of the Methodology the team in Columns B/C follows - Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. 
  • This column is optional and not required to import data into AgilityHealth.
  • There may be some questions within assessments that are asked of the team based on their Methodology so be sure to choose carefully. Your Customer Success Manager can help you understand the options.
  • Be sure to type the Methodology in to match exactly what is already set up for your company in AgilityHealth. If you type something slightly different than what already exists, a new Methodology will be created, but the back-end correlation to Radars and Assessments will not be set. 

Columns M and Beyond:

  • These columns represent the Tags that are necessary for each team, in order to review results in helpful segments. 
  • Tags are not required to import data into AgilityHealth but are highly suggested.
  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to understand the Tag structure for your company.
  • Be sure to type the Tag's name in to match exactly what is already set up for your company in AgilityHealth. If you type something slightly different than what already exists, a new Tag will be created but only the teams you mistyped it for will have that Tag. 
  • Row 1 for each of these columns is the name of the Tag Category.
  • Values in each of these columns should be comma-separated, for example, Portfolio A,Portfolio B.
  • If you add a Tag to this column for a team, that Tag will be added to that team in AgilityHealth. 
  • If you remove a Tag from this column for a team, that Tag will be removed from that team in AgilityHealth. 
  • Create a new Tag by simply entering the name of the Tag into the proper column for that Tag's Category.
  • Create a new Tag Category by adding a column after the last column in your Teams tab. Put the title of the Category in Row 1 of the new column. Assign the Tags within that Category to the appropriate teams in the new column. 

Members Tab

The Members tab allows you to add and remove team members, as well as stakeholders, within teams.

Before you start editing, if you exported your company's data, you should understand these basic rules:

  • The Members Tab works in conjunction with the data in the Teams Tab.
  • After importing this file, any teams that have data on the Teams Tab will have their members and/or stakeholders added or removed based on what Members are in the Members Tab.
  • If you wish to add a member or stakeholder to a team, a row for that team must exist on the Teams Tab in this same file, whether the team is existing or brand new. For a new team, be sure to create a row for the team and fill in all the appropriate data on the Teams Tab first.
  • If you wish to remove a member or stakeholder from a team, delete their row of data on the Members Tab but leave the team's data on the Teams Tab. 
  • If you do not wish to change a team's members or stakeholders but have changes to the team in the Teams Tab, make your changes in the Teams Tab and leave the members and stakeholders for that team as is in the Members Tab. 
  • When a member or stakeholder is added to a team, no email notification is sent to that individual. You can send this manually once the data is imported into AgilityHealth if desired. 
  • You cannot add additional columns to the Members Tab. 
  • Do not delete columns of data, only delete rows of members/stakeholders you wish to be removed from the team in AgilityHealth noted in Column A/B. 
  • For much of the data on the Members Tab, if you delete information that was exported from AgilityHealth, that information will be removed from the teams/members/stakeholders in AgilityHealth when you import the file.
    • The exception to this rule is any column that says in Row 3 'Not used for Import'.

Column A-B:

  • These columns consist of the team's unique identifier in AgilityHealth in our database and their more personalized team name.
  • Column A is required to be filled in when importing this file into AgilityHealth.
  • Column B is optional and not used in the import data of the Members Tab. To update the team name, you would need to update it in Column C of the Teams Tab.
  • If you Export your data, Column A may or may not populate when you export your company's data for the first time from AgilityHealth. If you follow the steps above for the Teams Tab for Column B, when you export the file again, Column A on the Members Tab will also be populated.
  • If you are starting from scratch: 
    • You can create unique team identifiers yourself for each team as you add them into the template on the Teams Tab in Column B. Copy those unique team identifiers over into Column A in the Members Tab as you add members/stakeholders to your teams. 
    • You can also copy over each team's name from Column C in the Teams Tab into Column B in the Members Tab to more easily decipher the teams, but the data in Column B in the Members Tab won't be used in the import into AgilityHealth. 

Column C-D:

  • These columns are for the First and Last Name of the member or stakeholder. 
  • These columns are required to import data into AgilityHealth. 
  • If you update the first or last name in this file, the change will be made in AgilityHealth after the import.  

Column E:

  • This column is for the email address of the member or stakeholder. 
  • This column is required to import data into AgilityHealth. 
  • This column should be left as is if you exported your data.
  • This data is used to set up a new member or stakeholder AgilityHealth account and will be used as their User ID to log into the platform. 
  • Do not update an existing member or stakeholder's email address using this file. If you change their email address in this file, they will be added as a new team member or stakeholder to the team and their previous account will still exist.
    • The team member or stakeholder's original account would no longer have access to the team, but their account would still be active and could have access to other teams. To access this team, they would have to log in under the new email address and set up a new account.
    • Please contact if you need to update a member or stakeholder's email address. 

Column F:

  • This column denotes an entry as a member of the team or as a stakeholder.
  • Put 0 in this field to identify this entry as a team member and not a stakeholder.
  • Put 1 in this field if this entry is a stakeholder. Stakeholders sometimes receive different questions on assessments. Their results are displayed separately from team members in AgilityHealth. 

Please note: If your company is using SSO and you require an External Identifier for each team member, Column F may be different for you. In your case, Column F may be a required column and it may be for the External Identifier. When reading the rest of this article, all columns in the Members tab following Column E will then be off by one letter in the spreadsheet, i.e. Column F is now Column G, Column G is now Column H, etc. 

Column G:

  • This column is used to select the Role of the member or stakeholder. 
  • This column is optional and not required to import data into AgilityHealth. 
  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to understand the Roles that already exist for your company. Roles are used to segment assessment results and to group members/stakeholders together.
  • Values in each of these columns should be comma-separated, for example, Scrum Master,Developer.
  • If making a change, be sure to type the Role in to match exactly what is already set up for your company in AgilityHealth. If you type something slightly different than what already exists, a new Role will be created but only the members/stakeholders you mistyped it for will have that Role. 
  • If you add a Role to this column for a member/stakeholder, that Role will be added to that member/stakeholder's profile in AgilityHealth. 
  • If you remove a Role from this column for a member/stakeholder, that Role will be removed from that member/stakeholder's profile in AgilityHealth. 
  • Create a new Role by simply entering the name of the Role into the row of the member/stakeholder to which it applies, in Column G.

Column H:

  • This column is used to select the Participant Group of the member or stakeholder. 
  • This column is optional and not required to import data into AgilityHealth. 
  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to understand the Participant Groups that already exist for your company. Participant Groups are used to segment assessment results and to group members/stakeholders together.
  • Values in each of these columns should be comma-separated, for example, Distributed,FTE,Technical.
  • If making a change, be sure to type the Participant Group in to match exactly what is already set up for your company in AgilityHealth. If you type something slightly different than what already exists, a new Participant Group will be created but only the members/stakeholders you mistyped it for will have that Participant Group. 
  • If you add a Participant Group into this column for a member/stakeholder, that Participant Group will be added to that member/stakeholder's profile in AgilityHealth. 
  • If you remove a Participant Group from this column for a member/stakeholder, that Participant Group will be removed from that member/stakeholder's profile in AgilityHealth. 
  • Create a new Participant Group by simply entering the name of the Participant Group into the row of the member/stakeholder to which it applies, in Column H.

Columns I and Beyond:

  • These columns represent the Team Member Tags that are necessary for each member, in order to view data in helpful segments.
  • Team Member Tags are not required to import data into AgilityHealth but are highly suggested.
  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to understand the Team Member Tag structure for your company.
  • Be sure to type the Team Member Tag's name in to match exactly what is already set up for your company in AgilityHealth. If you type something slightly different than what already exists, a new Team Member Tag will be created but only the teams you mistyped it for will have that Team Member Tag. 
  • Row 1 for each of these columns is the name of the Team Member Tag Category.
  • Values in each of these columns should be comma-separated, for example, India,England.
  • If you add a Team Member Tag to this column for a member, that Team Member Tag will be added to that member in AgilityHealth. 
  • If you remove a Team Member Tag from this column for a member, that Team Member Tag will be removed from that member in AgilityHealth. 
  • Create a new Team Member Tag by simply entering the name of the Team Member Tag into the proper column for that Tag's Category.
  • Create a new Team Member Tag Category by adding a column after the last column in your Members tab. Put the title of the Category in Row 1 of the new column. Assign the Team Member Tags within that Category to the appropriate members in the new column. 

Users Tab

The Users tab allows you to add new users to AgilityHealth, update a user's role, or add teams and tags to a user's profile. This is not where you add individuals to a team to take assessments, which is done on the Members Tab. The Users Tab is for adding/updating Company Admins, Team Admins, Business Line Admins, and Organizational Leaders. 

Before you start editing, if you exported your company's data, you should understand these basic rules:

  • You cannot delete users using this file. To do that, you have to manually delete them in AgilityHealth. If you remove a user from the Users Tab, no effect will occur for that user in AgilityHealth.
  • The Users Tab does not rely on data from the Teams Tab or Members Tab. If you do not need to update data in the Users Tab, you can delete the data in rows 4 and below, or just leave the data as-is. 
  • You cannot assign a user to be a Company Feature Admin using this file. To do that, speak with your Customer Success Manager. 
  • For a Company Admin, only columns A-D need to be filled out. 
  • For a Team Admin, Columns A-E need to be filled out.
  • For a Business Line Admin, columns A-D need to be filled out. In order for a Business Line Admin to see any data in AgilityHealth, they need either teams assigned to them in Column E or Tags assigned to them in Column G. 
  • A Business Line Admin is called a Tag Admin in the AgilityHealth Database so if you exported your file, you may see Tag Admin as a Role in Column D. Either name is fine. 
  • For an Organizational Leader, columns A-D need to be filled out. In order for them to see any data in AgilityHealth, Column E should be filled out. 

Columns A-B:

  • These columns are for the First and Last Name of the user. 
  • These columns are required to import data into AgilityHealth if you are making a change to a user. 
  • If you update the first or last name in this file, the change will be made in AgilityHealth after the import.  

Column C:

  • This column is for the email address of the user.
  • This column is required to import data into AgilityHealth if you are making a change to a user. 
  • This column should be left as is if you exported your data.
  • This data is used to set up a new user's AgilityHealth account and will be used as their User ID to log into the platform. 
  • Do not update an existing user's email address using this file. If you change their email address in this file, they will be added as a new user and their previous account will still exist.

Column D:

  • This column displays the role of the user, also called a user type. 
  • This column is required to import data into AgilityHealth if you are making a change to a user. 
  • A user may only have one role.
  • The options for Roles are CompanyAdmin, TeamAdmin, BusinessLineAdmin, and OrganizationalLeader.
    • Note there are no spaces in the Role Titles.
    • Talk with your Customer Success Manager to understand the permissions of each role and the data each role has access to in AgilityHealth. 
  • If you exported your data, you may see TagAdmin as a Role - that is the same as a BusinessLineAdmin, it's just called a TagAdmin in the AgilityHealth database. You can list either option. 
  • To change a user's role, delete their current role title in Column D and add the new title. 

Please note: If your company is using SSO and you require a username for each user, Column D may be different for you. In your case, Column D may be a required column and it may be for the Users Username. When reading the rest of this article, all columns in the Users tab following Column C will then be off by one letter in the spreadsheet, i.e. Column D is now Column E, Column E is now Column F, etc. 

Column E:

  • This column displays the unique identifier of each team the user has access to see data for in AgilityHealth. 
  • This column is optional and not required to import data into AgilityHealth.
    • However, some roles should have teams assigned to them, or they will not be able to see any data at all, such as a Team Admin.
    • Some Business Line Admins have teams assigned to them as well, but more often they have Tags assigned to them, like in Column G. 
  • Company Admins do not need any data in this column as they have access to all teams by default. You cannot remove a team from a Company Admin's view.
  • Add the unique identifier(s) for each team you wish this user to have access to in AgilityHealth. These can be found in Column B on the Teams Tab. If there are multiple teams, separate them with a comma, for example, AH_Team_1255,AH_Team4589.
  • If you remove a team's unique identifier from this column, the user will no longer have access to see that team's data. 

Column F:

  • This column consists of the more personalized team names for each team the users have access to in AgilityHealth.
  • Column F is optional and not used in the import data of the Users Tab.
  • If you exported your data, to update the team name, you would need to update it in Column C of the Teams Tab.
  • If you are starting from scratch: 
    • You can copy over each team's name from Column C in the Teams Tab into Column F in the Users Tab to more easily decipher the teams, but the data in Column F in the Users Tab won't be used in the import into AgilityHealth. 

Column G:

  • This column displays each Tag the user has access to see data for in AgilityHealth. 
  • This column is optional and not required to import data into AgilityHealth.
    • However, some roles should have Tags assigned to them, or they will not be able to see any data at all, such as a Business Line Admin (Tag Admin).
    • Some Business Line Admins have teams assigned to them as well, but more often they have Tags assigned to them. 
  • Company Admins do not need any data in this column as they have access to all Tags by default. You cannot remove a Tag from a Company Admin's view.
  • Work with your Customer Success Manager to understand the Tags that already exist for your company. Tags are used to organize your company's data in AgilityHealth.
  • Add the Tag Category, followed by a | (pipe), and the Tag Name for each Tag you wish this user to have access to in AgilityHealth, for example, Product Line|Auto.
  • If there are multiple Tags to assign, separate them with a comma, for example, Business Lines|BU1,Business Lines|BU2,Product Line|Auto.
  • If you remove a Tag from this column, the user will no longer have access to see that Tag's data. 
  • You cannot create new Tags or Tag categories in this tab. To do that, you need to go to Settings>Manage Tags in AgilityHealth.

Importing the file

Once you have adjusted your data in the file, you're ready to import the data back into AgilityHealth! In the Bulk Data Mgmt. button dropdown, choose Import. A pop-up will open for you to use. 


Things to note:

  • After you click the Upload button and select your updated Excel file, the upload will first validate all data in the spreadsheet to make sure the formatting and reference data are correct and verify that all mandatory fields are populated.
  • After validation has been completed, the import will begin. While processing your data, be sure not to close the browser window.

If there are errors found:

  • Errors will be shown in the Status box and no data will be imported.
  • You will need to correct the errors and re-run the import with the corrected file for successful processing.
  • The error messages will tell you what line of your data needs to be adjusted.
  • You can use the scroll bar to the right of the Status box or click Download Error Log to see each line of errors. 

The below example shows the file was found and uploaded but the Status says Failed and there are many errors.


Using the scroll bar, each line of the file that has errors can be seen. The below example shows the Members tab has several errors in Lines 4, 5, and 6 and each error is listed.


You will see an Import Complete pop-up message when everything is finished.


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