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October 5, 2023

Info: AgilityHealth releases enhancements, new features, and bug fixes every Wednesday at 5 PM CT. Any items our customers should be aware of are posted on Thursdays. Not all weeks will have customer-facing items; no release notes will be posted.

Team Growth Items: Assessment Field

A Team's Growth Item dashboard is where teams can see their growth items from all assessments. An update has been made so that team growth items created on this dashboard can now be tied to an assessment. This optional field titled "Assessment" is located below "Category" on the left side of the Growth Plan Item card.

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The Assessment field is available only when creating or editing growth items with the Category of Team on the Team's Growth Item dashboard. The field is hidden when viewing growth items in the Growth Plan section of an assessment's radar results page.

Selecting an assessment for a growth item will add the growth item to the Growth Plan section of that assessment's radar results page. When editing a growth item, if the Assessment field is updated from one assessment to another assessment, the growth item will be removed from the previously selected assessment's Growth Plan and added to the newly selected assessment's Growth Plan. 

To learn more about a Team's Growth Item dashboard, visit this article.

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