Unified Navigation & Platform Redesign
Exciting news! In 2024, the AgilityHealth platform will be completely redesigned! This article will help our beta customers understand what is different in the redesign versus the current AgilityHealth platform.
A video highlighting the new platform is coming soon but for now, here's a sneak peek at the new Teams Dashboard
If you are a beta tester, you can easily switch from the redesign to the current platform and vice versa by hovering over your profile in the upper right corner of the platform and choosing 'Switch - New Navigation' or 'Switch - Old Navigation' from the dropdown.
Here's a list of some major items that have changed with the redesign. Please note: This is not a full list of all the changes.
Overall Platform
The left navigation in our current Insights and Business Outcomes dashboards is now throughout the platform in the redesign.
The left navigation will also now include teams that have the Group of Individuals work type for teams taking talent development assessments, but no data will show for these teams in the Enterprise Agility, 4 Lenz, or Structural Agility dashboards.
Easily search for a team in the left navigation and see where it's located in your team hierarchy, including its parent/children.
All platform functionality is now located in tabs such as Manage Teams, Measure, Gain Insights, Achieve Outcomes, Grow, Learn, and Settings.
Choose a team in the left navigation and then simply switch to a different tab to see all information related to that team. You can also switch to a different team while staying in the same tab.
All guidance available in the help icon on the platform or in the support center is for the current platform, not the redesigned platform
Manage Teams Tab
Structural Agility is now part of the Manage Teams tab, instead of the Insights area. This allows you to see team details and how stable the teams are in the same tab. This dashboard will not be usable for teams with the Group of Individuals work type.
Users will be able to see information about all your company's teams but they will only be able to edit information for teams they have access to in their user profile. Individuals who are team members and do not have any Admin role will not be able to edit information for any teams. Editing information includes adding/removing team members, stakeholders, and leaders.
The Grid View for sub-teams is available at all levels, excluding the team level on the Manage Teams tab. This was previously only on the Teams Dashboard for the company level. To see the grid view for the sub-teams that roll up to an Enterprise, Portfolio, or Multi-team, simply click on the team level in the left navigation and then navigate to the Sub-Teams tab.
Two team-level names have changed. Enterprise teams are now called Portfolio teams. N-tier teams are now called Enterprise teams.
The Quick Launch for Teams feature has been integrated as an option when you click the Create Teams button on the Manage Teams tab. This option will only show if the feature is enabled for your company.
Team creation, located in the Manage Teams tab, is now top-down versus bottom-up. If your user permissions allow, you'll be able to create sub-teams that will automatically roll up to the level you have selected when clicking the Create Team button.
For example, when you have selected a Portfolio team in the left navigation when you click the Create Team button, you will only see Multi-team as the creation option because the Multi-team you create will automatically be a sub-team of the Portfolio team you have selected.
Growth team members are now called Leaders.
These are members of multi-teams and portfolio teams and typically focus on organizational or enterprise growth items.
Measure Tab
This tab is still under construction. It will contain assessments, radar results, and growth journeys, as well as Pulse Checks, our new Campaign Manager, the Growth Items Dashboard, the Facilitator Dashboard, and more.
Assessment Dashboard:
At the company level, a grid of all the company's assessments is viewable. A new Time Period filter is available to allow filtering assessments by their start date in the last 90 days, 6 months, or 12 months.
Below the company level, at team levels other than the Enterprise level, you'll see a team's assessments and be able to create assessments and Pulse Checks from the Assessment Dashboard tab.
Growth Items:
A grid view of growth items is available at the company level and all team levels, other than the Enterprise level. Growth items can be created at team levels and pulled/un-pulled into the parent team's backlog from team levels as well.
When you change team levels in the left navigation, the growth items will change to reflect the ones created or available to 'pull' for that team level.
Growth Items can be sorted in several ways including the new Time Period filter.
Growth items can be viewed in Grid View, as shown above, or Kanban View, as shown below.
Organization and Enterprise growth items that teams or multi-teams need to escalate to leadership can now more easily be 'pulled' into the parent team's backlog.
In the example below, when the multi-team Arrested Development is selected in the left navigation, the growth item created by the team Dons and Divas and marked as Organizational is available to be 'pulled' into the Arrested Development backlog.
A Growth Item can now easily be added at any team level selected in the left navigation.
Growth Journey:
All team levels other than the Enterprise level have a Growth Journey tab where you can view team assessment growth as well as results from Pulse Checks.
Gain Insights Tab
The Insights tab contains the Enterprise Agility and 4 Lenz Dashboards.
- The Structural Agility Dashboard is now in the Manage Teams tab.
- Team Agility Dashboard was sunset on June 12, 2024 and is not available in the redesigned platform.
- These dashboards will not have data for teams with the Group of Individuals work type.
Enterprise Agility:
The Enterprise Agility dashboard is available to users when they click on a team in the left navigation and they have access to view information about that team.
4 Lenz Dashboard:
The 4 Lenz dashboard is available to users when they click on a team in the left navigation and they have access to view information about that team.
Achieve Outcomes Tab
The Business Outcomes dashboard is available to users when they click on a team in the left navigation and they have access to view information about that team.
Grow Tab
The Grow tab opens a new window containing the Growth Portal. Nothing has changed with the Growth Portal from the current platform.
Learn Tab
The Learn tab redirects you to AgilityHealth University, which contains all our certification courses, as well as videos from our AgileVideos site.
Soon we will enable single sign-on (SSO) between the AgilityHealth platform and AgilityHealth University.
Settings Tab
The Settings tab will be similar to the settings tab in the previous platform and will vary based on the user's role and their permissions. The left navigation will be hidden when using this tab but is available via the arrow icon on the left side of the screen.