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Create a Campaign

Important: If you do not see the Manage Campaigns link, this feature has not yet been enabled for your company. Either your company's Feature Admin or your AgilityHealth Customer Success Manager can turn this feature on. Many enhancements for this feature are yet to come so stay tuned!

Before you begin, you will need:

  • The radar type (assessment) the teams will be using (this will be the same for all teams).
  • Knowledge of which teams will be participating in the campaign.
  • Certified AgilityHealth Facilitators (AHF) - each person in your company who is a certified AHF must be marked as having this certification in their user profile and have the Active checkbox marked. Company Admins usually maintain this certification list for the company.
  • The campaign timeframe - this window defines the start and end of a campaign. For many companies, this is the start and end of a quarter. The dates set here act as boundaries for all of the activities that happen during the campaign.
  • The facilitation approach - this will be the same for all teams. 
    • Will the teams be taking the assessment together or on their own?
    • If they are taking it together, will they do that in one meeting and then have the retrospective to review results later or in the same meeting?

Let's get started! Visit the Assessment Dashboard tab and click on the Manage Campaigns link. Click the Create New Campaign button and the campaign modal will open.

Manage Campaigns

Campaign Details

In the first step of the modal, you will select campaign details and decide how to match teams with facilitators for their retrospective sessions.

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  • Create a campaign name that will be meaningful in identifying this campaign later.
  • Choose which radar type (assessments) the teams will be using. It must be the same radar type for all teams in a given campaign.
  • Enter the start and end date for the entire campaign.
    • This window defines the start and end of a campaign. For many companies, this is the start and end of a quarter. The dates set here act as boundaries for all of the activities that happen during the campaign.
  • Select the Parent Team for this campaign.
    • Choose 'Entire Company' if you would like to select teams without restriction in the next step. 
    • Select a parent team from the dropdown list to limit the scope of this campaign to only teams that roll up to that parent team. This is helpful if your company is very large and you want to create and manage campaigns for each business unit separately, for example.
    • You cannot change your selection after launching your campaign.
  • Pick the matchmaking strategy to be used when matching teams to their facilitators. 
    • Manually Assign Facilitators - this option will allow you to choose a certified AgilityHealth Facilitator one by one for each team.
    • Auto Matchmaking - the platform will match facilitators to teams trying to reach your target (see below) while attempting to minimize the number of contacts needed by matching teams with the same team contact to the same facilitator when possible.
    • Team Contact is the Facilitator - this option will match certified AgilityHealth Facilitators who are also the Scrum Master on the team as the facilitator for that team(s).
      • If you have another role in your company that is set up in AgilityHealth to roll up to the parent tag for Scrum Master, this option will work for you as well.
      • Any teams without AHFs will be left unassigned and you will need to manually assign facilitators to them.
  • Select the target number of teams you would like each facilitator to be assigned to. You will be able to override this number later on, if necessary.
    • If you choose not to use auto-assign, the target just helps the platform show you when you are over/under your target while manually assigning facilitators.
    • When using auto-assign, you should consider this is the minimum number of teams the auto-assign algorithm will target for each facilitator. This is not a maximum. For example, if you select 20 teams and 20 facilitators but set a target for 2, 10 of your facilitators will get 2 teams and 10 will get zero teams. If you want everyone to spread the facilitation load evenly, set the target to 1. As another example, if you select 20 teams and 15 facilitators but set the target to 1, the algorithm will use all facilitators at least once but will need to give 5 facilitators 2 teams to complete the assignment. 

When you are finished, click the Create A Campaign button. The 'shell' of your campaign has now been saved and will appear on the Assessment Dashboard under the Manage Campaigns link. 

If you exit the campaign modal now, you can finish creating your campaign anytime by clicking the Edit button in the campaign's row. 

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Select Teams

Note: Future functionality is planned to limit the teams a Business Line Admin can include in a campaign to the same teams assigned to them in their user profile. Until then, Business Line Admins will be able to include any team in your company in a campaign.

From this step until the last Review step, at any time, in the upper right corner of the modal, you can click Save as Draft to save your progress in this campaign. Use the Delete button to delete this campaign entirely. Click X to close the campaign. If you haven't made any changes, the campaign will close. If you have made changes, you will be prompted to save those first, before clicking the X again to close the campaign.

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On the Select Teams step, you will use the Add Teams button to open a pop-up. 

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Use the various options to search for teams by name or by tag and filter by work type. Remember that this list is limited in scope to teams that are sub-teams of the parent team you chose when you created the campaign. 

  • Some companies want to select only teams that have scrum masters who can contribute facilitations to other teams, ensuring that all teams in the campaign are both giving and receiving facilitators to the process. If you want to limit the teams in this way, choose "yes" in Team Contact is AHF.
  • When you have multiple pages of teams displayed, you may click the three vertical dots in the header of the checkmark column to select all on the page, select all that match the current filter, deselect all that match the current filter, or clear all selections. This is a powerful timesaver if you have many pages of teams.

Check the box in the front of each team's row to include them, then click the Add to Campaign button.

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After clicking Add to Campaign, the pop-up will close and you will see the selected teams have been added to the select teams modal. 

If you need to remove a team(s), check the box in the front of their row and a Remove button will appear next to the Add Teams button. 

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Once you are happy with your list of teams, click Continue to Facilitators.

Select Facilitators

On the Select Facilitators step, you will use the Add Facilitators button to open a pop-up. 

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 1.52.43 PM.png

Use the search box to find a facilitator by name. The facilitators that appear in the pop-up are those in your company who are certified AgilityHealth Facilitators (AHF). To show in the list, each person must be marked as having this certification in their user profile and have the Active checkbox marked. Company Admins usually maintain this certification list for the company. 

Check the box in the front of each person's row to include them, then click the Add to Campaign button. The list of AHFs will be initially limited to the same parent team you chose when you created the campaign but because you may need to pull in AHFs from outside this organization to help, you may widen your scope by choosing a different parent team in the Parent Team dropdown. In the Parent Hierarchy column, you will see which AHFs are inside and which are outside of the selected parent team. 

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After clicking Add to Campaign, the pop-up will close and you will see the selected facilitators have been added to the select facilitators modal. 

If you need to remove a facilitator(s), check the box in the front of their row and a Remove button will appear next to the Add to Campaign button. 

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Once you are happy with your list of facilitators, click Continue to Matchmaking.


The matchmaking step allows you to manually assign facilitators, match teams with facilitators automatically, or assign team contacts as facilitators.

The option that will show for you in this step is the option you chose in the Campaign Details step. If you would like to change your option, use the 'Back' link next to the Continue to Set Up Assessments button to keep moving backward in the modal. 

Please note: You can leave teams without a facilitator in this step if you do not yet know which facilitator should be assigned to which team. You can save this campaign as a draft and come back to make edits before launching the campaign. Or, you can launch the campaign and then later, when you know which facilitator to assign to a team's assessment, you can assign the facilitator by opening the campaign and making those changes in the Teams tab on the Campaign Dashboard

Manually Assign Facilitators:

If you chose Manually Assign Facilitators, this is the screen you will see. You will need to assign a facilitator to each team one by one.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.10.01 AM.png

You may or may not see a message highlighted in yellow. This message lets you know if there is a ratio issue where you have too many teams and not enough facilitators or vice versa. The message is just a warning, you can select which facilitators are assigned to each team as you wish.

If you wish to make adjustments before assigning facilitators, you can edit the teams or facilitators by clicking the Edit link in the blue box for that item. You will be taken back to the Select Teams or Select Facilitators steps.

You can edit the target number of teams per facilitator that was chosen when you were on the Campaign Details step as well. If you click the Edit link in the blue box for Target Number of Teams Per Facilitator, a pop-up will open allowing you to change that selection. 

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You can view the grid using Team Contact as the way teams are grouped or use the Facilitator View to see teams grouped by the facilitator. 

Now it's time to manually assign facilitators to teams. We recommend you try to assign the same facilitator to teams with the same team contact, to lessen the amount of communication needed between facilitators and teams.

To assign a facilitator to a team that does not have a facilitator, click the blue Assign link in the team's row. 

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Choose a facilitator from the drop-down list. Click the checkmark to save your selection.

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To edit a facilitator, click the pencil icon in that row. 

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Select a facilitator from the drop-down list. Then click the checkmark to save your selection. To exit without saving your selection, click the blue X.

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To remove a facilitator, hover over their name and click the X to the left of the drop-down arrow. 

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When you are happy with your matches, click Continue to Set Up Assessments. 

Auto Matchmaking:

If you chose Auto Matchmaking, the image below is the screen you will see. Use the Create Auto Matches button to automatically assign facilitators to teams. You can adjust the matches manually after the auto-assignment runs. 

Please note: When using Auto Matchmaking, if the team contact is a certified AHF, they will not be assigned to facilitate their own team but may be assigned to other teams. You can manually adjust the facilitator to change it to the team contact if you wish. If you want to have certified AHFs that are also the team contacts assigned automatically as the facilitator, choose the 'Team Contact is the Facilitator' option on the Campaign Details step instead of 'Auto Matchmaking'.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 2.28.28 PM.png

You may or may not see a message highlighted in yellow. This message lets you know if there is a ratio issue where you have too many teams and not enough facilitators or vice versa. The message is just a warning, you can adjust which facilitators are assigned to each team after clicking Create Auto Matches.

If you wish to make adjustments before clicking Create Auto Matches, you can edit the teams or facilitators by clicking the Edit link in the blue box for that item. You will be taken back to the Select Teams or Select Facilitators steps.

You can edit the target number of teams per facilitator that was chosen when you were on the Campaign Details step as well. If you click the Edit link in the blue box for Target Number of Teams Per Facilitator, a pop-up will open allowing you to change that selection. 

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If you make edits to teams, facilitators, or the target number of teams per facilitator after having already used the Create Auto Matches functionality, you will need to re-run the script. All previous matches will be lost. 

Click Create Auto Matches to run the matchmaking script, which will automatically assign facilitators to teams based on logic such as matching the same facilitator to teams with the same team contact. 

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 2.28.28 PM.png

After clicking Create Auto Matches, you will see a grid with two view options. You can view the grid using Team Contact as the way teams are grouped or use the Facilitator View to see teams grouped by facilitator. 

You may or may not see a new message highlighted in yellow. This message will let you know if you have over-assigned facilitators. 

If you would like to change any of the facilitator assignments, you can click Re-create Auto Matches and the algorithm will run again and provide new matches. Or, you can edit a facilitator assignment manually by clicking the pencil next to their name. 

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 2.37.36 PM.png

To edit a facilitator, click the pencil icon in that row. 

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 11.40.50 AM.png

Select a facilitator from the drop-down list. Then click the checkmark to save your selection. To exit without saving your selection, click the blue X.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 11.40.18 AM.png

To remove a facilitator, hover over their name and click the X to the left of the drop-down arrow. 

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To assign a facilitator to a team that does not have a facilitator, click the blue Assign link in the team's row. 

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Choose a facilitator from the drop-down list. Click the checkmark to save your selection.

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When you are happy with your matches, click Continue to Set Up Assessments. 

Team Contact is the Facilitator:

If you chose Team Contact as the Facilitator, this is the screen you will see. 

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.26.22 AM.png

You may or may not see a message highlighted in yellow. This message lets you know if there are teams that do not have a facilitator because their team contact either isn't a certified AHF or they don't have a team member on the team with the role of Scrum Master (or a role that rolls up to the parent tag of Scrum Master). 

If you wish to make adjustments before assigning facilitators, you can edit the teams or facilitators by clicking the Edit link in the blue box for that item. You will be taken back to the Select Teams or Select Facilitators steps.

You can edit the target number of teams per facilitator that was chosen when you were on the Campaign Details step as well. If you click the Edit link in the blue box for Target Number of Teams Per Facilitator, a pop-up will open allowing you to change that selection. This target number is just a guide that will allow us to display a warning message for you when you have unassigned teams or you have facilitators assigned to more teams than your target number.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.11.41 AM.png

You can view the grid using Team Contact as the way teams are grouped or use the Facilitator View to see teams grouped by facilitator.

Now it's time to manually assign facilitators to teams that do not have one. To assign a facilitator to a team that does not have a facilitator, click the blue Assign link in the team's row.

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Choose a facilitator from the drop-down list. Click the checkmark to save your selection.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 2.19.18 PM.png

To edit a facilitator, click the pencil icon in that row.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 11.40.50 AM.png

Select a facilitator from the drop-down list. Then click the checkmark to save your selection. To exit without saving your selection, click the blue X.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 11.40.18 AM.png

To remove a facilitator, hover over their name and click the X to the left of the drop-down arrow. 

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When you are happy with your matches, click Continue to Set Up Assessments. 

Set Up Assessments

On the Set Up Assessments step, you will name your assessment and select time frames for when emails will be sent, when the assessments can be taken, and when retrospectives will occur.

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In the Assessment Name field, type an assessment name. This name will be applied as the same for each team's assessment. Be sure it will be easily identifiable later - when you're looking at all the assessments in the assessment dashboard, for example. 

Facilitation Approach

Choose one facilitation approach that will apply to all the teams and their retrospectives. Based on which approach you choose, the timeline that appears under the Assessment Timeline section will vary. 

  • Split Meeting - this is best for teams taking the assessment for the first time. Teams will meet once to take the assessment together, allowing time for them to ask clarifying questions. The team will meet again later to have their retrospective and review the results from their assessment, along with the stakeholder feedback. 
  • One Meeting - this is best for teams who have taken the assessment before but would still like to take it together and then have their retrospective right away in the same session. This is usually a longer meeting. Stakeholders will be sent their assessment questions well before the team meets to ensure the feedback from Stakeholders is available for the team's one meeting.
  • Retro Only - this is best for teams who are experienced with the assessment and willing to answer the questions by themselves. The team will only meet once, to have their retrospective and review their results, along with stakeholder feedback. 

Assessment Timeline

Based on which Facilitation Approach was selected above, the timeline presented here will vary. 

Split Meeting:

This is best for teams taking the assessment for the first time. Teams will meet once to take the assessment together, allowing time for them to ask clarifying questions. The team will meet again later to have their retrospective and review the results from their assessment, along with the stakeholder feedback. 

Create Campaign Split Meeting

In the timeline, you will see the Assessment Window in blue and the Retrospective Window in yellow.

The Assessment Window is the duration of time the assessment will be open for Stakeholders and Team Members to take the assessment. Facilitators should schedule the first meeting with team members to take the assessment during this window.

  • The date you enter for the Stakeholder Launch Date is when their email will be sent. If you would like each facilitator to launch the emails to stakeholders themselves, then leave this blank.
  • The date you enter for the Team Member Launch Date is when their email will be sent. If you would like each facilitator to launch the emails to team members themselves, perhaps at the start of their meeting when they will be taking the assessment, then leave this blank. The platform will present an alert if you put a date in this field reminding you that potentially, many emails will be sent on that date and time because every team member of every team in your campaign will be sent an invitation to take the assessment. Again, this field is optional. If you do not want that behavior, just leave it blank. 
  • The Assessment Close Date you enter is when the assessment will close and no further answers will be accepted. Facilitators will not be able to meet with teams to take the assessment after this date. This date will need to be before the date you enter in the next field for the Retrospective Window Start. 

The Retrospective Window is a guideline for when facilitators need to schedule their retrospective sessions with the teams to review assessment results. The window begins after the assessment window closes and usually ends towards or at the end of the campaign timeframe.

  • The date you enter in the Retrospective Window Start field must be after the date when the assessments close. This date opens the window for facilitators to start meeting with teams to review their results. 
  • The date you enter in the Retrospective Window End field is the date by which you want all the facilitators to have met with the teams to review results.
  • These dates are informational only and no automation occurs. In the future, you will be able to include these dates as tags in email templates that can be sent to facilitators and/or team contacts. For example, "You have until <<retro window end date>> to complete your retrospectives."

As teams move through this timeline, you can track each team's status in the Campaign Dashboard

Once you are happy with your timeline, click Continue to Review. 

One Meeting:

This is best for teams who have taken the assessment before but would still like to take it together and then have their retrospective right away in the same session. This is usually a longer meeting. Stakeholders should be sent their assessment questions well before the team meets to ensure the feedback from Stakeholders is available for the team's one meeting.

Create Campaign One Meeting

In the timeline, you will see the Stakeholder Feedback Window in blue and the Team Assessment and Retrospective Window in yellow.

The Stakeholder Feedback Window is the duration of time the assessment will be open for Stakeholders to take the assessment. 

  • The date you enter for the Stakeholder Window Start is when their email will be sent. If you would like each facilitator to launch the emails to stakeholders themselves, then leave this blank.
  • The date you enter for the Stakeholder Window End is the last date stakeholders should ideally submit their feedback. They may be able to submit feedback beyond this date but as soon as the team meets to have their retrospective, the feedback becomes somewhat irrelevant. Use this date as a guideline to communicate to stakeholders a date to ensure their feedback is reviewed. Once the facilitator marks the assessment with the 'Retro is Completed' status, the assessment window will be closed within the platform. 

The Team Assessment and Retrospective Window is a guideline for when facilitators need to schedule their retrospective sessions with the teams to take their assessments and review results in one meeting. The window begins after the Stakeholder Window closes and usually ends towards or at the end of the campaign timeframe.

  • The date you enter in the Retrospective Window Start field must be after the Stakeholder Window End date. This date opens the window for facilitators to start meeting with teams to review their results. 
  • The date you enter for the Team Member Launch Date is when their email will be sent. This date must be after the Retrospective Window Start date. If you would like each facilitator to launch the emails to team members themselves, perhaps at the start of the retrospective when they will be taking the assessment, then leave this blank. 
  • The date you enter in the Retrospective Window End field is the date by which you want all the facilitators to have met with the teams to review results.

As teams move through this timeline, you can track each team's status in the Campaign Dashboard

Once you are happy with your timeline, click Continue to Review. 

Retro Only:

This is best for teams who are experienced with the assessment and willing to answer the questions by themselves. The team will only meet once, to have their retrospective and review their results, along with stakeholder feedback. 

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.59.52 AM.png

In the timeline, you will see the Assessment Window in blue and the Retrospective Window in yellow.

The Assessment Window is the duration of time the assessment will be open for Stakeholders and Team Members to take the assessment.

  • The date you enter for the Assessment Start Date is when the email will be sent to both Stakeholders and Team Members. Team Members will take the assessment on their own in this step.
  • The Assessment Close Date you enter is when the assessment will close and no further answers from stakeholders or team members will be accepted. This date will need to be before the date you enter in the next field for the Retrospective Window Start. 

The Retrospective Window is a guideline for when facilitators need to schedule their retrospective sessions with the teams to review assessment results. The window begins after the assessment window closes and usually ends towards or at the end of the campaign timeframe.

  • The date you enter in the Retrospective Window Start field must be after the date when the assessments close. This date opens the window for facilitators to start meeting with teams to review their results. 
  • The date you enter in the Retrospective Window End field is the date by which you want all the facilitators to have met with the teams to review results.

As teams move through this timeline, you can track each team's status in the Campaign Dashboard

Once you are happy with your timeline, click Continue to Review. 

Important note:

If the teams you selected to include in your campaign already have assessments created that meet your campaign criteria, those assessments will automatically be adopted into this campaign. Here are the criteria:

  • If the team assessment is to be ended before the campaign starts or set to start after the campaign ends, or if the team assessment is of a different radar type than the campaign is, the assessment will not be adopted into the campaign.
  • If the team assessment has a start date or an end date within the campaign window and if the team assessment is for the same radar type as the campaign and if the team assessment is not a part of another campaign already, the team assessment will be adopted into the campaign.
  • If a team has more than one assessment that meets the adoption criteria, no existing assessments will be adopted from that team and a new assessment will be created as part of the campaign instead.

Additionally, some changes will occur if a team's existing assessment is adopted into the campaign. 

  • If the adopted assessment has a start date to begin after it's adopted:
    • The start date of the assessment will be set to the start of the campaign's assessment window;
    • The end date of the assessment will be set to the end of the campaign's assessment window;
    • The assessment will be renamed to follow the campaign's configuration;
    • The assessment will be set to Active.
  • If the adopted assessment has a start date to begin before it's adopted:
    • The start date of the assessment will not be changed;
    • The end date of the assessment will be set to the end of the campaign's assessment window;
    • The assessment will be renamed to follow the campaign's configuration;
    • The assessment will be set to Active


In the Review step, you will confirm the details you selected in each step. Expand each section with the caret in the far right of that section's row. To edit a section, click the Edit button in that section's row. 

Once you are ready, click Launch Campaign! 

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After launching the campaign, you can check on the campaign status or make edits by visiting the Campaign Dashboard.

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