August 1, 2024
Info: AgilityHealth releases enhancements, new features, and bug fixes every Wednesday overnight. Any items our customers should be aware of are usually posted on Thursdays. Not all weeks will have customer-facing items; no release notes will be posted.
Business Outcomes
Several updates were made to the Business Outcomes dashboard.
When entering dates on a card, you can now enter past dates, in addition to current and future dates.
You can now create and edit cards on the Business Outcomes dashboard when offline. If you lose internet access while using the dashboard, data will be saved to your browser when creating and editing cards. You will see the below message:
A cloud icon will show on the cards that were created or edited when offline:
Once internet access is restored, open the card and save it so everything is saved to the dashboard. Locally saved cards will be deleted from your browser after 5 days.
Learn more about creating and editing cards.