How do I analyze a Participant's Talent Development Assessment results?
Once the Participants and the Reviewers have completed the assessment and the end date has passed, the results are ready to be analyzed. There are a few different ways to review results:
- The Participant can meet with their Manager, mentor, or peer to review the results and build their growth plan together
- The Participant can pair up with another individual who has completed this exercise as well. This is a great way to stay accountable.
- The Participant can leverage an Agile Coach to help analyze their results and help build their growth plan.
Whichever option is chosen, this is a very vital, critical part of the process. Analyzing the results and creating a growth plan is how to put the assessment results and feedback into action and are a key part of the process of becoming a high-performing individual.
Analyzing a Participant's Talent Development Assessment Results
To see the results of a Participant's assessment, click on their radar image from the team's assessment dashboard. Then you can review their radar and textual responses, help build their Growth Plan and see their Growth Journey.
Depending on your user permissions, you may see a roll-up radar for the entire team's results, plus an individual radar for each Participant.
Participant Results Radar
Use the toggle in the upper right corner to switch between the Summary and Detail view of the radar.
Use the filters through the green arrows on the upper left corner of the screen to view responses for the Participant and/or their Reviewers, or by the roles of their Reviewers.
In the Detail View of the Individual’s Radar, the Participant's responses display as black dots; and an average of the Reviewer’s responses are in a red line.
Here are some ideas for how to analyze the radar:
- At first glance, what is the overall radar telling you? Is it generally rounded with a few dips or do you see many dips and spikes? Is the Participant stronger on one side vs. the other (left vs. right)?
- How did the Participant rate themselves compare to how others rated them? Is the Participant mostly higher than their average, mostly lower, or on target? What does this mean?
The Analytics table is a quick representation of some critical items. You can see the top and lowest 5 Competencies and the five Competencies there was the most or least consensus on.
You can change the drop-down to see the Reviewers' results and also the Participant's results against the Reviewers' results.
What does this data tell you?
Textual Responses
Lastly, review the textual responses. Spend time on the Strengths comments and take a minute to really focus on what the Participant is doing well. Scroll down and read the improvements and possible impediments comments as well.
Keep a positive growth perspective on all of this and remember the most important message of all: ‘Feedback is a Gift’. Most people don’t care enough to tell individuals how they are doing so when people DO put in the energy and share their perspective, it's important to take it in, understand it, and decide if anything needs to be done to change that perception or reality. If Participants get defensive, emotional, or angry, then people will not be encouraged to give them feedback in the future.
Scroll down below the radar to see the Individual Growth Plan where the Participant can create Growth Items to work on between now and the next time they take this assessment. Learn about creating an Individual Growth Plan.