Business Outcomes Views, Filters and Exports
To get to the Business Outcomes dashboard, log into AgilityHealth® and click the Business Outcomes link at the top of the page. If this feature is not enabled for your company, contact your Company Admin or Customer Success Manager.
On the Business Outcomes dashboard, each level of your organization and your portfolios, business lines, and teams are represented in the left navigation. The top level of the left navigation represents the organization, with teams organized by portfolio, program, or other levels your company chose in the setup process. We commonly refer to these levels as n-tier, enterprise, multi-team, and team.
Under the Unassigned node, you may see several teams listed. As you assign teams as sub-teams of another level, they will be removed from the Unassigned data and will populate in the left nav under the parent team.
Navigation & Dashboard Selections
When you select a team in the left navigation, the view to the right will adjust to represent that level of your organization and the views you choose on the dashboard.
Choose Overall Performance to see a high-level overview of card progress. Company Admins can click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the image to update this to an image representing the company that all your company's users will see. An AgilityHealth image is placed here by default.
- The Outcomes view shows you, for the level you selected in the left navigation, and that level's sub-teams, a summary of progress on all Outcomes - 3 year, 1 year, and Quarterly, as well as their Key Metrics.
- The Outputs/Projects view shows you, for the level you selected in the left navigation, and that level's sub-teams, a summary of progress on all Initiatives, Deliverables and Obstacles.
Choose Card View to see all the cards that have been created on the dashboard. These drive the items that show on the Overall Performance view. There are three views currently available for the Card View of the dashboard. You can pick Business Outcomes, Initiatives, or Deliverables in the first of the two dropdowns in the upper right corner. Depending on those choices, you will see different options available in the second dropdown. It's important to note that some Admin users can rename the Initiatives and Deliverables views to something that makes more sense for your company so those views may have different names.
The Meetings Notes functionality is still under construction.
Overall Performance View: Outcomes
The Outcomes tab of the Overall Performance view shows you, for the level you selected in the left navigation, and that level's sub-teams, a summary of progress on all Outcomes - 3 year, 1 year, and Quarterly, as well as their Key Metrics.
In each team box on the tab, you can see a progress bar and count for outcomes cards in the Card View for the team level selected in the left navigation and that team level's sub-teams. As a reminder, 3-year, 1-year, and Quarterly Outcomes are the default names but your company may have renamed them to something else.
Company Level
When the company level is selected in the left navigation, the top box will represent Overall Strategy Progress, which is an average of progress from 3-year outcomes, 1-year outcomes, and Projects from all teams across the company, based on the weights given to them using the weight button in the upper right corner. Also included are Strategic Objectives, which are the 3-year outcomes, and KPIs, which are the Key Metrics listed on the 3-year outcomes cards. The Overall Strategy Progress box is only available at the company level.
The weight icon is only accessible by Company Admins.
In the Overall Strategy tab, you can change the default weights for the components that feed the Overall Strategy Progress percentage.
- Strategic KPI Progress looks at the 3-year outcome cards at the company level and the progress of the related Key Results.
- Annual KR Progress looks at the 1-year outcome cards at all team levels across the company and the progress of the related Key Results.
- Project Progress looks at the progress for all Project cards at all team levels across the company.
- Quarterly outcomes and their related Key Results are not currently included.
In the Objectives tab, you can set the weights of the KPIs (Key Results) for the 3-year outcomes cards that drive the Strategic KPI Progress calculation.
Team Levels
Each box below the company level box represents the sub-teams that roll up to the company level. In those team boxes, you'll see a progress bar and count for the Annual Objectives for the team (which are called Annual Outcomes in the Card View), and the Key Results for those Annual Outcomes that are divided into impact metrics, which have the green symbol, and leading indicators, which have the grey symbol.
You can change the dropdown on the right side of the tab to Quarterly Objectives and see the same information for the teams, but you will see a progress bar and a count for the Quarterly Objectives (which are called Quarterly Outcomes in the Card View) for the team and the related Key Results instead.
All Levels
To see more details, you can click on the progress bars for Strategic Objectives, KPIs, Annual Objectives, Key Results and Quarterly Objectives to open a modal relating to those items.
Overall Performance View: Outputs/Projects
The Outputs/Projects tab in the Overall Performance view shows you, for the level you selected in the left navigation, and that level's sub-teams, a summary of progress on all Initiatives, Deliverables, and Obstacles.
In each box on the tab, you can see a count of and a summary of the progress for all Initiatives, Deliverables, and Obstacles in the Card View for the team level selected in the left navigation and that team level's sub-teams. Your company may have updated the words Initiatives and Deliverables to something different.
To open a modal showing you details for each item, click on each progress bar for Initiatives, Deliverables, and Obstacles.
You can also hover over the information icon at the end of the Obstacles row to see the status of each included Obstacle.
Card View: Business Outcomes
When you are in the Card View, Business Outcomes is the default view. You can choose Annually or Quarterly from the drop-down for Business Outcomes to change the blue columns.
Annually - Blue Columns:
The blue columns when Annually is selected will be 3-Year Outcomes and 1-Year Outcomes, by default. Some Admin users can rename these columns so they may have different names in your company.
Depending on your company's settings, the cards in the first blue column (3-Year Outcomes) may filter down so you see them no matter what level you have selected in the left navigation. This is only true when Business Outcomes and Annually are selected as the view. This setting can be turned off for all users in your company in the Business Outcomes Dashboard Settings.
Quarterly - Blue Columns:
The blue columns will adjust to 1-Year Outcomes and Quarterly if you select Quarterly in the second view dropdown. Again, these column names may have been renamed for your company.
Annually or Quarterly - Purple Columns:
Whether you have selected Annually or Quarterly as the view in the second dropdown, the purple columns represent the teams directly below the level you have selected. These are the teams that are sub-teams for the level you have selected.
When the company level is selected, cards created in the purple team columns will display at the company level, and will also display when you go to that team level in the left nav. The opposite is also true - if you create a 1-year or Quarterly card on a team's level, when you go up a level, you will see those cards in the team's purple column.
If you select a row in the left navigation that is an individual team, you will not see any purple columns displayed, as no teams are sub-teams to those individual teams. The Obstacles column does not yet function - this is coming soon.
Card View: Initiatives
When Initiatives is selected as the view, you'll see by default three options in the second dropdown - Sub-Teams, Timeline View, and Timeline. The Initiatives label in the dropdown can be edited for your company, as can the Timeline label and the corresponding column titles.
When Sub-Teams is selected in the second dropdown, the columns shown will be a purple column for each sub-team of the parent team selected in the left navigation, plus an Obstacles column. The purple columns will show the cards created at this level by that sub-team. The Obstacles column does not yet function - that is coming soon.
When Timeline View is selected in the second dropdown, you will see each Initiatives card for the selected team level in a row and a timeline that can be seen by Week, Month, or Year. Blue lines or diamonds on the timeline will indicate the Initatiaves card start and end date. If you see a diamond, that means the start and end date are the same day. If you see a darker blue line over top the blue line, the darker blue line is showing progress on the Initiative versus the blue timeline.
You can expand an Initiative card by clicking the caret to the left of the Card Title. This will show you the Deliverables that are attached to the Initiative card.
When Timeline is selected in the second dropdown, you will see a blue column for each quarter. By default, the Timeline view has four quarters. The names of both the view and columns can be changed by a Company or Business Line Admin and may differ for your company. You will see cards for the level you have selected in the left navigation, as well as their sub-teams. A label in the upper right corner of each card indicating the team level the card was created on will display.
Card View: Deliverables
When Deliverables is selected as the view, you'll see by default two options in the second dropdown - Sub-Teams and Timeline. The Deliverables label in the dropdown can be edited for your company, as can the Timeline label and the corresponding column titles.
When Sub-Teams is selected, the columns shown will be a purple column for each sub-team of the parent team selected in the left navigation, plus an Obstacles column. The purple columns will show the cards created at this level by that sub-team. The Obstacles column does not yet function - that is coming soon.
When Timeline is selected, you will see a blue column for each sprint. By default, the Timeline view has six sprints. The names of both the view and columns can be changed by a Company or Business Line Admin and may differ for your company. You will see cards for the level you have selected in the left navigation, as well as their sub-teams. A label in the upper right corner of each card indicating the team level the card was created on will display.
Card View: Additional Views
Additional categories can be created for each view for your company, allowing you to create and see cards related to these categories by changing the view in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
When a category is created, it becomes available in the drop-down as an additional option for that view, and any tags created within this category become the column headings displayed on the dashboard.
Learn how to edit, create, and delete categories.
Card View: Filtering
The filter dropdown in the upper left corner allows users to filter the dashboard by Tags that have been created by your Company Admin or Business Line Admin and added to cards.
When filtering with tags, multiple tag filters can be applied and cards that have one or all the filters selected will show on the dashboard, depending on your company's dashboard settings.
Make your selections and be sure to click OK to save your filter. To remove the filter, click the Filter dropdown again and click Clear, then OK.
When you filter cards on the dashboard, an infographic will appear showing you how many cards for each filter choice are showing on the board, along with each tag's corresponding color.
Clicking on the funnel icon will open a modal allowing you to pick what color of cards you would like to see on the dashboard.
The colors correlate to the color picked inside the card when using the color palette icon and show on the left side of each card, as well as in the overall progress bar.
Click on the colors of your choice and cards with that color selected will show on the dashboard. Choosing the gray color block will include all cards with no color selected. Click the red circle image to remove your selections.
Card View: Search Cards
The Search Card field is available to search for a card in the current view and the current level selected in the left navigation. You can search using a team's name or by keywords in the title or description of a card.
If you do not find the card you're searching for, try a different view or a different level in the left navigation.
Card View: Exporting to Excel and PDF
You can export your cards to an Excel spreadsheet or a PDF document using the icons to the right of the view selector. Any filters will be saved in the export as well. This is useful when you want to share certain items with leaders who do not have access to AgilityHealth® or need this information in Excel or PDF.
Meeting Notes
Use the Meeting Notes icon to add meeting notes and create action items.
When the company level is selected in the left navigation, users can read meeting notes. All users can read all meeting notes created by anyone in the company. When a user has unread notes, a red bell appears in the Meeting Notes icon.
Use the Show All Meeting Notes arrow to expand a drawer of options where you can choose to view My Meeting Notes (notes you created), New Notes (unread notes), Seen Notes (previously viewed notes), or Archived Notes (notes you created that have been archived). You can also use the Search field to search for a note by its title.
To add a meeting note, a team level needs to be selected in the left navigation. Then, the Add Meeting Note button will appear.
After you have clicked the Add Meeting Note button, enter a title for your meeting and use the Add Member button to search for and add users in your company to the note. Your note will automatically be dated with a date but that can be adjusted by clicking the calendar icon.
Under the Decisions tab, type in your notes. Be sure to click Save Note.
In the Action Items tab, you can click Add Action Item to start creating a checklist.
Enter a title, search for and select a user in your company as the Owner, and select a Due Date.
Once the item is complete, the checkbox can be clicked and the title will be struck through to indicate completion. The trash can icon can be clicked to delete the action item.
After your note has been saved, the Edit button can be used to make edits to your note or to archive it.
If the Edit button is grayed out, it means another user created the note and you cannot make edits or archive it but you can read it.
Next, learn to create and edit cards!