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How do I track assessment completion for my team?

Some AgilityHealth Users are able to track the assessment completion rate for a team assessment and identify which Team Members and Stakeholders have not taken the assessment.

To track assessment completion, from the Teams Dashboard, click on the team’s avatar or name to get to that team’s Assessment Dashboard.

Once there, you'll be able to see an overview of completion below the radar icon. This will show the number of participants that have completed and received the assessment, separated by Team Members and Stakeholders. You can then hover over the assessment you wish to review and click on the blue pencil icon to edit and view the assessment in more detail. 


Once you are on the Edit Assessment page, you can see details such as the Facilitator's Name, the end date for the assessment, and the Team Members/Stakeholders included. Scroll to the Team Member and Stakeholder sections to see the status of each person’s assessment.

Here you can see which Team Members and Stakeholders have or have not taken the assessment.  It will say “Completed” next to Team members and Stakeholders that have completed the assessment.

Other options are:

  • Green Envelope – click here to resend the invitation to take the assessment
  • Links – click here to view the link for the Team Member or Stakeholder's unique assessment
  • Red X – remove the Team Member or Stakeholder if they will not be participating

If icons are displayed in the Actions column, they have not finished the assessment yet. Depending on how much more time they have left to complete the assessment, consider sending a reminder email or following up to encourage them to finish it.

The end date for the assessment is created when the assessment is generated and is generally one to two weeks from when the initial invitation to participate is sent. You can edit the end date and time after it has passed in order to reopen the assessment and allow for additional assessment submissions.

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