How do I update Growth Item progress, add notes and add solutions when they are completed?
As the team makes progress on a Growth Item, be sure to update the Growth Plan Item card. You can see all the Team’s Growth Items on the Team’s Growth Item Dashboard or you can go into each assessment’s results and view Growth Items related to that specific assessment in the Growth Plan at the bottom of the results page.
To edit a Growth Item in Grid View, click the Edit button in the row of the Growth Item you wish to edit.
To edit a Growth Item in the Kanban View, click the edit icon in the upper right-hand corner of the card for that item.
The Edit Growth Plan Item card will open.
If the integrations feature is enabled, team members can easily sync growth items with the category of Team created in their retrospectives or from their team's growth item dashboard to their Jira board. Growth items can then be managed in the team's Jira board, along with their stories and tasks. Updates made in Jira to these growth items will be synced back to AgilityHealth automatically.
If the status of the growth item is not editable and you see information that mentions Jira, that growth item is synced from AgilityHealth to the team's Jira board. The status must be updated in Jira, all other information can be updated in AgilityHealth.
If an Organizational Growth Item has been pulled into the Leadership team's backlog, the "Pulled" column will show a value of "True" and you will only be able to view the item. You may also see notifications about the pulled Growth Items by clicking on the Notifications button.
Add Notes to Growth Items
You can add notes to Growth Items by editing the Growth Item and then selecting the Notes tab.
Add a Solution to Growth Items
If a Growth Item has been completed, be sure to fill in the Solutions section. By adding a solution to a Growth Item, the rest of the teams within your organization can see how your Growth Item was completed and may be able to use that information in their own journey.
Enter a description of what the team or individual did to complete the Growth Item in the Solutions tab.