Team Agility: Growth Items Widgets
This article is part of our series on the Features and Functionality of the Team Agility Dashboard. We've broken each area down for you, into shorter articles.
- Understanding the Team Agility Dashboard
- Index Widgets
- Over Time Widgets
- Dimensions and Metrics Widgets
- Growth Items Widgets
The data refreshes nightly at 11:30 CT however you can refresh it manually anytime by using the Refresh button.
Growth Items Widgets
The last row of widgets displays growth items and their status relative to the selected category (team, organizational, or enterprise).
Overall, this set of widgets can be used to guide you toward where action or assistance may be needed to help the teams overcome impediments and enable greater maturity and performance. For example, a certain competency contains a lot of organizational growth items, but many haven't been started or completed.
- Team Growth Items: View the growth items categorized as Team at the level selected in the left nav.
- Organizational Growth Items: View the growth items categorized as Organizational at the level selected in the left nav.
- Enterprise Growth Items: View the growth items categorized as Enterprise at the level selected in the left nav.
Growth Items Widget Filters
The Radar dropdown at the top of the Team Agility Dashboard allows you to choose which Radar data you would like to appear within the growth items Widgets but the widgets are not affected by any of the other drop-down menus.
Within each growth items widget, in the bottom left-hand corner, you will notice two drop-down boxes that provide filtering options. The widget includes both pulled and non-pulled growth items, whether they are created inside an assessment's growth plan or on the team's growth item dashboard.
The status option allows for the display of growth items summarized by Not Started, Committed, In Progress, In Progress with Age, Done, Cancelled, On Hold, and All. For in-progress items, aging is provided to show which items are actively being worked on vs. items that have aged.
The filter that is currently selected is reflected at the top of the widget, illustrated below by the In Progress filter example.
The segmentation option allows for the display of growth items summarized by type, dimension, sub-dimension, competency, or all.
- Type: The type of growth item is selected when creating each growth item.
- Dimension: Major area measured for a team's health. This includes sub-dimensions and competencies.
- Sub-Dimension: The grouping of competencies, can have multiple sub-dimensions within a dimension.
- Competency: Specific area where we measure a team's health, through one or more assessment questions. Also called competency target, when creating a growth item.
Drill In for Additional Detail
The Drill In feature is an easy way to view the details of your growth items, just use the drop-downs to choose which growth items to review.
Click on the colored bar of a growth item category for additional information.
A growth item modal will pop up, displaying additional information about the growth items in these categories: title, priority, requested by, and created.
You can click on the category headings to sort growth items by category and use the search bar to search/filter for a specific growth item attribute. After longer growth items in the Title column, there is a carrot icon. By clicking the carrot, additional growth item information will be displayed in the modal.
You can export the growth items displayed in the modal through the Excel icon.