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EBA Assessment Agendas

This article complements the How to Facilitate an Enterprise Business Agility Seminar & Assessment article. Below are the three different options of agenda, depending on the team's needs.

Click here to review the EBA Seminar & EBA Assessment session, purpose, outcomes and who should attend. You can copy these and edit or customize them before sharing them with your participants.

Option 1 Agenda:

If you are able to schedule a half-day session, you can use this format of delivering the seminar and pausing after each pillar for participants to complete the assessment for that pillar. You then review results and build a growth plan all in the same session.


EBA Seminar + EBA Assessment  (3.5 hrs) | ALL-in-ONE

3.5 Hrs


Seminar Kickoff

40 Min


Sr Leader Introduction 

Introduction by a senior leader giving context to why the organization is transforming

3 Min


Presenter and Session Intro

Introduce the presenter and purpose of the session

2 Min

Seminar slides & guidance

Kickoff EBA Seminar

(See Assessment Preparation Instructions to reduce delays here)

What is Business Agility

Play Explainer Video

10 Min

Explainer Video Link

Group Activity: Drivers for Change (Why?)

10 Min

Use Slido, Miro or others

Overview of 7 EBA Pillars and Capabilities to Build

10 Min

Link to EBA Model

Confirm if everyone has received an email to complete the Assessment. Address any gaps before the next step. 

5 Min

Ensure the team was set up previously and you’ve tested sending surveys to 1-2 individuals to validate delivery. 

Pillar by Pillar (Customer Seat, Lean Portfolio, Org Design)

45 Min


Pillar Overview + Complete Assessment

Pillars 1-3 Overview

~10 Min

These 3 pillars could generate an engaged discussion with leaders. 

Complete Pillar Assessment 

35 Min



10 Min


Pillar by Pillar (Agile, Leadership & Culture, Make it Stick, Digital/Tech Agility)

45 min


Pillar Overview + Complete Assessment

Pillars 4-7 Overview

~10 Min

The leadership pillar usually takes 10-15 min to allow for engaged discussion, the others can go faster.

Complete Pillar Assessment 

35 Min


Review Radar Results

40 Min


Results Analysis & Discussion

Analyze the Radar Results & Textual Responses. Facilitate Conversation

30 Min

Use breakouts for larger groups by pillar or sub-team.

Identify Top Growth Opportunities 

10 Min

Identify areas for growth by pillar

Growth Planning 

30 Min


Growth Plan

(Identify 3-5 actions for next quarter)

Define Transformation Objectives and 3 Months Growth Plan 

20 Min

Allow participants to vote on the top 3-5 focus areas. Build the growth plan & 3-month plan

Session Retrospective & Closing

10 Min

Allow leader to close the session

Option 2 Agenda:

If you are unable to schedule a half-day session, you can use this alternative format of delivering the seminar and launching the assessment for participants to complete at the end of the session or afterward at their own time.

The follow-up session is 2 hrs and is dedicated to reviewing results and building the transformation objectives and growth plan for the next 3 months.  Schedule this within 7 days of the seminar.


EBA Seminar 90 min | 
EBA Assessment  (2 hrs)


EBA Seminar 

70 min


Sr Leader Introduction 

Introduction by a senior leader giving context to why the organization is transforming

3 Min


Presenter and Session Intro

Introduce the presenter and purpose of the session

2 Min

Seminar slides & guidance

Present EBA Seminar

(See Assessment Preparation Instructions to reduce delays here)

What is Business Agility

Play Explainer Video

10 Min

Explainer Video Link

Group Activity: Drivers for Change (Why?)

10 Min

Use Slido, Miro or others

Overview of 7 EBA Pillars and Capabilities to Build

10 Min

Link to EBA Model

Pillar Overview & Deep Dive 

25 Min

Only go deeper into the pillars of interest.

Leadership Discussion

Allow leaders to reflect and engage

10 Min

Open discussion or use Slido to engage with questions

EBA Assessment Kickoff

20 Min


Launch EBA Radar 

Confirm if everyone has received an email to complete the Assessment. Address any gaps before the next step. 

5 Min

Ensure the team was set up previously and you’ve tested sending surveys to 1-2 individuals to validate delivery. 

Complete the Assessment

Give them time to ‘start’ the assessment and finish it afterward. 

15 Min



Part 2 - Assessment Results & Growth Planning

2 Hrs


Session Introduction

Welcome and review of the previous session

10 Min


Results Analysis & Discussion

Analyze the Radar Results & Textual Responses. Facilitate Conversation

30 Min

Use breakouts for larger groups by pillar or sub-team.

Identify Top Growth Opportunities 

10 Min

Identify areas for growth by pillar


10 Min


Growth Plan

(Identify 3-5 actions for next quarter)

Define Transformation Objectives and 3 Months Growth Plan 

40 Min

Allow participants to vote on the top 3-5 focus areas. Build the growth plan & 3-month plan

Session Retrospective 

10 Min



Closing from senior leader & next steps

10 Min


Option 3 Agenda:

If you are not sure if the organization is open to an assessment and might only be interested in a webinar with an optional assessment, this format will be the best fit. 

Deliver a one-hour light seminar to engage and excite everyone. Offer the full 2.5 hr assessment as a follow-up activity.


EBA Seminar  60 min | 

EBA Assessment  (2.5 hrs)


EBA Seminar 

60 min


Sr Leader Introduction 

Introduction by a senior leader giving context to why the organization is transforming

3 Min


Presenter and Session Intro

Introduce the presenter and purpose of the session

2 Min

Seminar slides & guidance

Present EBA Seminar

(See Assessment Preparation Instructions to reduce delays here)

What is Business Agility

Play Explainer Video

10 Min

Explainer Video Link

Group Activity: Drivers for Change (Why?)

10 Min

Use Slido, Miro or others

Overview of 7 EBA Pillars and Capabilities to Build

10 Min

Link to EBA Model

Pillar Overview & Deep Dive 

20 Min

Only go deeper into the pillars of interest.


Ask for session  ‘Ahas or learnings’

5 Min

Use Slido, Miro or others


Part 2 - EBA Assessment & Growth Planning

2.5 Hrs


EBA Assessment 

60 Min


Session Introduction

Session purpose, review of EBA Pillars and Why Change

10 Min


Launch EBA Radar 

Confirm if everyone has received an email to complete the Assessment. Address any gaps before the next step. 

5 Min


Complete the Assessment

Allow everyone to complete the full assessment

35  Min




10  Min


Assessment Results & Growth Planning

90 Min


Results Analysis & Discussion

Analyze the Radar Results & Textual Responses. Facilitate Conversation

30 Min

Use breakouts for larger groups by pillar or sub-team.

Identify Top Growth Opportunities 

10 Min

Identify areas for growth by pillar


Growth Plan

(Identify 3-5 actions for next quarter)

Define Transformation Objectives and 3 Months Growth Plan 

30 Min

Allow participants to vote on the top 3-5 focus areas. Build the growth plan & 3-month plan

Session Retrospective 

10 Min



Closing from senior leader & next steps

10 Min

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