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How do I see how my team is doing in the competencies that drive team performance?

What are the top drivers of team performance? Learn all about them in this article

Info: Teams that invested in these drivers saw a 37 percent performance improvement over teams that didn’t.

How do I see how my team is doing?

When on the assessment results page for a TeamHealth® assessment, you will be able to see how strong your team(s) are in relation to each driver for performance metrics, confidence and happiness. This information is available for team, multi-team and enterprise team TeamHealth radars.  

Click on any competency name in the Performance Dimension, with the exception of Stakeholder, or click on the Happiness competency in the Culture Dimension. 

performance.png happiness.png

A pop-up box with the related questions, a list of the top drivers for that competency and a relative strength indicator for the team(s) will appear. Clicking on any of the top drivers will open a new window to the corresponding competency page in the Growth Portal for that driver. 


To improve your team's strength in a driver/competency, use the information in the Growth Portal to create a Growth Item to add to the team's Growth Plan. 

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