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Team Culture Radar

In the spirit of helping organizations develop strategies to continuously improve team culture, we designed the Team Culture Health Radar.

This radar focuses on modern ways of working along with the mindsets and behaviors of high-performing teams, based on recent industry research and studies. Inspiration for the cultural competencies comes from the research done by MIT Sloan on the Big Nine Cultural Values, addressing the question of which values matter most, as cited by diverse top companies.

Info: The Team Culture Radar 2.0 launched in 2023. Visit the launch page to watch a short video explaining the redesign, download the presentations, and see the new questions.

Radar Audience

Typically taken by all team members from any team, Business or Technology-focused. Results can be rolled up into teams of teams, portfolios, lines of business, or the enterprise level to assess the entire organization.

Radar Dimensions


Available Languages

Currently, the Team Culture Radar is available in English and Arabic.

Benefits of Utilizing the Radar

  • Consistent definitions and measurement of team culture across all teams
  • Roll up data across multiple teams to identify trends and where to focus improvement efforts
  • Develop actionable growth plans at every level of the organization
  • Measure improvements over time

Suggested Introduction Time for the Radar

  • Anytime

Ongoing Cadence for Using the Radar

  • Baseline, then every 6 months to check in on the progress 

Radar Facilitation Needs

Necessary Sessions for Each Radar


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