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Set Up and Manage Custom Growth Item Types

It can be helpful to identify themes across Growth Items created by the teams so that Leaders can see common issues, how frequently they have been raised and determine the best way to address them. One way to do this is with Growth Item Types. 

A Growth Item Type can be selected when creating or editing a Growth Item. Your company can enable a feature to make selecting a Growth Item Type required, but that is not on by default. 


The default Growth Item Types for every company in AgilityHealth are:

  • Agile Enablement
  • Tech Agility & Tools
  • Culture & Leadership
  • Product & Program
  • Other

Company Admins can add custom Growth Item Types to the default list and/or delete unnecessary types and then have the Custom Growth Item Type feature enabled to activate those changes for all new and existing Growth Items.

Manage Custom Growth Item Types

Hint: Company Admins can navigate to the Custom Growth Item Type page in V2 Settings without having the feature enabled that activates them across your company. We suggest gaining consensus in your company for what custom Growth Item Types need to be added, before adding and deleting Growth Item Types, using the instructions below. Once everything is aligned and has been updated, then have the feature enabled to turn Custom Growth Item Types on.  

Company Admins can manage their Growth Item types in the V2 Settings for your company in AgilityHealth. To get to V2 Settings, you need to first access a feature that uses our V2 functionality, such as Insights or Business Outcomes. Once on the V2 feature, you can click the Settings icon on that page. 


Find the Custom Settings section on the Settings page and click Manage Settings. 


Once in Custom Growth Plan Settings, find the Growth Item Types section and click Manage Growth Item Types. 


Once on the Custom Growth Item Types page, you can then delete unnecessary Types and add new Types. Any change you make here will show in the Type list when creating new and editing existing Growth Items, once the Custom Growth Item Type feature is enabled.

Please note, if you delete a Growth Item Type that is currently used on Growth Items, the current Growth Item Type will remain on those Growth Items. However, once a Growth Item card is edited, in order to save any updates, a new Growth Item Type will have to be selected. 

Click the blue plus icon next to Add Custom Growth Item Type to add a new Type. Simply click the trash can in the Type's row to delete an individual Type, or you can delete all Growth Item Types by clicking the larger trash can in the heading (not recommended). 


Once you have completed your edits, click Save. You can click Cancel at any time, to exit without saving your changes. 


When your Types have been edited and everyone is aligned that these should be active for your entire company, request to have the Custom Growth Item Type feature enabled from your Company Feature Admin or your Customer Success Manager. 

Once the feature for Custom Growth Item Types has been enabled, any future changes on the Custom Growth Item Types screen by any Company Admin will take effect once the Save button is clicked. 

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