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April 20, 2022

Info: AgilityHealth releases enhancements and new features, along with bug fixes, every Wednesday at 5 PM CT. Any items our customers should be aware of are posted on Thursdays. Not all weeks will have customer-facing items and on those weeks, no release notes will be posted.

Idea Board: Sort Votes

A Sort Votes button has been added to the Idea Board. After individuals have voted on their top Growth Item ideas, clicking the Sort Votes button will sort the cards in each column in descending order, with the card receiving the most votes at the top of each column. 


Learn more about Idea Board.

Insights Team Agility Dashboard

We've made some improvements in the calculations used in displaying data on the Team Agility Insights Dashboard! We believe these changes will make it easier to understand the values in the first 9 widgets (the Performance, Maturity and Agility widgets) on the Team Agility dashboard and based on the feedback we've gathered over the years, we think our customers will love the improvements! So, what did we improve?

Also, be sure to check out Tidbits to Remember and our planned Future Enhancements.

Stopped Using "Average of Averages"

Previously, we used a calculation that was based on "average of averages", which resulted in some potentially skewed data at the Enterprise, N-Tier, and Company levels. The data may have been skewed because instead of drilling down to the individual team level and averaging their assessment data in order to get Enterprise level and higher level results, we were averaging Multi-Team results to get Enterprise Team results, and then averaging Enterprise Teams to get N-Tier Team results, and so on. This resulted in the weight of all Multi-Teams, Enterprise Teams and N-Tier Teams being equal, regardless if they had 2 or 15 teams rolled up.

As of our release on April 20, we are no longer using "average of averages" to calculate Enterprise Team and higher level results, we now drill down to the last closed assessment of each individual team that has been rolled up and use the results from each to calculate the Enterprise Team, N-Tier Team, or Company level results. Team and Multi-Team results remain unaffected.

The score at every level is now calculated as the average of all the individual teams under that level. We already did this for Multi-Teams, but have now extended this logic to Enterprise Teams, N-Tier Teams and to the Company level.

Example 1:
Let’s say there are 4 teams (A, B, C, and D) and Multi-Team 1 has teams A, B, and C and Multi-Team 2 has B, C, and D. Multi-Team 1 would be the average of teams A, B, and C, while Multi-Team 2 would be the average of teams B, C, and D. If the Enterprise Teams was comprised of Multi-Team 1 and Multi-Team 2, the score for the Enterprise Team would be the average of teams A, B, C, and D.

Previously, we would have used the average of teams A, B and C for the score for Multi-Team 1 and the average of teams B, C, and D for the score of Multi-Team 2 and then averaged the scores of Multi-Team 1 and Multi-Team 2 to get the Enterprise Team score, resulting in teams B and C having their scores counted twice.

Example 2:
Here is an example of the changes in just one row of widgets, using the same Enterprise Team before and after our changes in how we calculate data.

Enterprise Team scores using our new calculations:


Enterprise Team scores as shown previously, using “average of averages”:


Last Quarter Drop-down

In the "Last Quarter" drop-down, you will see every quarter displayed, even if no team in your company completed an assessment in a quarter. Previously, we skipped displaying quarters in this drop-down if there were no closed assessments.

The first quarter you will see as an option is when your company had its first completed assessment, which remains unchanged. In the "Number of Quarters" drop-down, you will still see up to 12 quarters available to select from, based on how long you have been a customer. This too remains unchanged.





What Does All This Really Mean?

Let's break down the changes we made by widget type.

* There are 3 Index widgets, one each for Agility, Maturity, and Performance. These widgets will now display data averaging results from each team's last completed assessment, up to and including the quarter you have selected in the "Last Quarter" drop-down. Previously, we dropped teams from these widgets if they had not completed an assessment in 5 quarters. You may now see different scores in these widgets than before, especially at the Enterprise Team level and higher levels, since we also changed how that data is calculated.

* There are 3 Over Time widgets, one each for Agility, Maturity, and Performance. These widgets now only display a "dot" or data point for quarters in which there was a completed assessment. Previously, a "dot" displayed for every quarter, regardless of whether an assessment was completed that quarter. If no assessments were completed that quarter, the "dot" was the same as the previous quarter. They also now display data averaging results from each team's last assessment, up to and including the quarter you have selected in the "Last Quarter" drop-down. Team results will also no longer age out after 5 quarters. So, as your journey with AgilityHealth continues and new teams take assessments, you'll see the number of assessments trend up in the pop up that appears when you hover over a "dot" in the widget. You may now see different scores in these widgets than before, especially at the Enterprise Team level and higher levels, since we also changed how that data is calculated.





Tidbits to Remember

Here are a couple of things to remember about the Team Agility Dashboard.

  • If you archive a team, their data is removed from these widgets.
  • If a Facilitator overrides the maturity stage auto-assigned to an assessment, the override is not used in calculating data on the Team Agility Dashboard.
  • Only a few radars have quantitative or metrics questions that will populate the Performance widgets/scores. The ones that do have questions for Performance data are TeamHealth 2.5 and 3.0 and DevOps V2.0.
  • Not all quantitative or metrics questions count as Performance data on the Team Agility Dashboard.
    • For the TeamHealth Radar (versions 2.5 and 3.0), only teams with the work type of Software Delivery or Service and Support have quantitative questions that will populate Performance widgets/scores.
    • Business Operations teams have similar questions but they are counted as qualitative, which means their data is counted toward Maturity widgets/scores and not Performance widgets/scores.
    • DevOps v2.0 assessments have quantitative questions that will populate Performance widgets/scores.
  • We have several helpful articles on our Support Center for the Team Agility Dashboard.

Future Enhancements

What does the future hold? Towards the end of 2022, we will also stop using "average of averages" in the radar results and the growth journey. At that time, when displaying data in Enterprise Team and N-Tier Team radars and growth journeys, teams will only be counted one time in the radar result roll-ups and growth journey data. Until then, the data reflected on the Team Agility Dashboard will differ from data in Enterprise Team radars and N-Tier Team radars and in their respective growth journeys.

If you have questions, please reach out to your Company Admin or our Customer Success Team!

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