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How do Growth Items change as team maturity increases?

As a team progresses in their maturity, there is a common misconception that they are simply doing things at a higher level of maturity than when they were at a lower level of maturity. The truth is that as teams mature, their practices become less reactive and more proactive and as a result, they add increasing value at each successive level of maturity.

This means as Growth Items are written for the same team around a competency they have been maturing in, the Growth Item will look different, based on their current level of maturity.

To help illustrate this, here is an example of a Growth Item for the same competency, written for the same team in Walk vs. Run vs. Fly level maturity. This is from the TeamHealth Radar assessment, in the Clarity dimension, under the Planning sub-dimension for the competency of Quarterly/Roadmap. 



Growth Item

Acceptance Criteria


As a Delivery Team, we need better visibility of the product roadmap so that we can make better engineering decisions, sprint by sprint.

Acceptance Criteria: We know we have visibility to the product roadmap when...

AC1: We confirm the product roadmap exists and is current or a plan is in place to create or update the roadmap.

AC2: The Product Owner presents the roadmap to the team and we discuss it.

AC3: During Backlog Refinement, engineering decisions and story definition are informed through understanding the roadmap.

Progress Measurement: We will measure progress by reviewing and discussing the impact of the improved visibility of the roadmap.


As a Delivery Team, we need better clarity and understanding of the product roadmap so that we can better manage the dependencies that will impact our ability to deliver and coordinate releases.

Acceptance Criteria: We know we have visibility to the product roadmap when...

AC1: We confirm the product roadmap exists and is current or a plan is in place to create or update the roadmap.

AC2: The Product Owner presents the roadmap to the team and we discuss it.

AC3: During Backlog Refinement, engineering decisions and story definition are informed through understanding the roadmap.

Progress Measurement: We will measure progress by reviewing and discussing the impact of the improved visibility of the roadmap.


As a Delivery Team, we are able to influence the evolution of the product roadmap so that product management can capitalize on emerging technology developments.

Acceptance Criteria: We know we have influenced the product roadmap when...

AC1: We confirm the product roadmap reflects emerging technology developments.

AC2: The Product Owner promotes the business value of leveraging the new technology opportunities.

AC3: During Backlog Refinement, the implementation of the stories reflect emerging technology developments.

Progress Measurement: We will measure progress by tracking the lifecycle performance of the product. 


As you can see, as the team grows in its maturity journey, there are different Growth Items with various Acceptance Criteria and Progress Measurements. 

Learn more about creating growth items

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